Tuesday, August 17, 2010

John Haworth
A Story of Blessings & Answered Prayers
Written By: Judy Haworth (wife)

My husband, John Haworth, was diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma on
August 20, 2007.  He'd gone to the doctor due to increased pain in his arm.  An x-ray taken that day showed two large tumors in the bone.  Further testing determined the tumors in the bone were metastatic disease from a cancerous kidney.  Numerous tumors were found in several more of his bones.

A week after his initial diagnosis, the bone in John's arm broke.  He had surgery to remove as many of the tumors as possible and to repair the arm. His diseased kidney was removed a few months later.

Following recovery from the surgery on his arm, John was put on Sutent.  He took Sutent for 10 months. During that time, all of the tumors stopped growing and went into remission except for that which remained in his arm. It not only continued to grow; but, it mutated.  New tumors formed, some in other bones, some in bones that already had tumors. Because of the new metastatic disease, he was taken off of Sutent and put on Nexavar.  He remained on the Nexavar until he passed.  

At the same time that his meds were changed, John received radiation treatments on his arm.  As is typical with this type of cancer, it had no effect whatsoever and the tumor continued to grow. His arm got so big that it was twice the size of his other arm.  The increased size of his arm was due to lymphatic fluid that couldn't drain because of the tumor. Lymphedema therapy helped for a short time; but then it became ineffective also. This and increasing pain are what made the doctors finally decide that the arm had to go. By this time, his arm had become basically useless and was on the verge of breaking again.  When being removed, his arm did break.  Thankfully, John was under anesthesia; therefore, unlike the first time, he didn't feel a thing.
Removal of the arm made a huge and immediate difference for John. He came out of the recovery room wide awake, hungry, looking, acting and feeling like a totally different person. The difference was so great that even his doctors were surprised. He told us that he actually felt better than he had before he got sick.  It definitely showed in his color, energy level, appetite and stamina - all were greatly increased; he even started gaining 'good' weight right away, putting on a full 10 lbs over the 2 weeks following surgery. He remained this way for 6 weeks, even improving more; but then he started to decline and within 2 weeks of his declining, he was gone.  Nobody ... not me, not his doctors - nobody ... can explain what happened.  There was nothing to indicate that the end of his life was anywhere near.  This included the scans and other tests done prior to the removal of his arm.

Based on his actions and his appearance over those last 2 weeks, especially the last few days, it's believed that the cancer had gone to his brain and to his spine; however, he went so fast, there was no time for tests or scans. Because there was no autopsy, we'll never be sure of exactly what happened but it doesn't really matter. Having that information wouldn't bring him back.  I'm fine with not knowing anything more than his death was somehow related to the cancer.

In the beginning, John was given a long-term prognosis of 6-18 months.  I was told to call our children home for Christmas that year as it was expected to be his last. God had other plans.

From the minute of learning of John's cancer, I'd prayed for 2 things for him: 1) he be healed and 2) he not suffer any pain. God heard and answered those prayers.  He threw this in for good measure, John never suffered any of the nasty side effects that come with taking Sutent or Nexavar - not a single one of them. While on Sutent, his hair and beard turned white.  While on Nexavar, he lost all hair from his neck down; but, even though they both got a little bit thinner, his beard and the hair on his head remained.  That made him a very happy camper.

Even though it's not in the way I'd hoped for, my 1st prayer for him was answered and John IS healed. Other than that which came from his arm, he never suffered any pain; but, if what is thought to have happened is actually what took him, he would soon have had excruciating pain from one or both of the areas mentioned. Jesus knew what was ahead and He knew He'd have to take John sooner rather than later in order to spare him that. He answered my 2nd prayer on the night of 2/5/2010.

It was a huge shock because none of us saw it coming, including his doctors.  Even based on how he'd been over the last 2 weeks of his life, it wasn't thought that he was dying.  He'd had periods of decline followed by rebound off and on over the entire time he'd been sick.  Until the last 3 or 4 days, this time didn't seem any different from anything he'd experienced. By going as he did, though, he wasn't ever told that there was nothing more that could be done for him, he didn't have to deal with living under hospice care and wondering if each day was going to be his last and he never suffered the pain that I'd so much prayed for him to be spared. Praise God, from whom ALL blessings flow!

We were married over 41 yrs and I miss him horribly; but, I am totally at peace because I know exactly where he is and at whose feet he now sits. I feel no anger or bitterness or resentment, only gratitude to God in thanks for the many blessings John received over the 2½ yrs he was given, in spite of what the doctors said he'd have. My prayers for him were answered and it doesn't get any better than that. My only regret is that he died in the hospital instead of at home, as had been planned from the beginning, because he hated hospitals so very much. We never expected him to not come home, though, when we took him there that day. In spite of that, I can't complain when considering how much he was blessed.

John wasn't the only one blessed during the time of his illness, and many continue to be. For a long time before he was sick, John kept telling me that he felt as if God had something for him to do but he didn't know what, and it bothered him that he might not be listening as well as he should be in order to find out. His mission was revealed to him after his diagnosis.

As word of his illness spread (calls, letters, email, message boards on the web), we learned that there were people, literally thousands of them, on at least 5 continents who were lifting up John in prayer. Over time, we even began to hear from some of them ourselves as they wrote to tell us how much their prayers for John had affected them personally. People were on their knees more often because of him, and some were there who'd not bowed before the Throne in a very long time. For many, their faith was strengthened, renewed and restored, causing some to begin to attend worship more often and others who hadn't been in years to return. There are 2 people we know of for sure who turned their lives around and made a committment that they'd never been able to make before because their hearts had been in the wrong place.

I'm still hearing from so many of just how much John's life, his courage and dignity, and, most especially, his faith in the face of what he went through is affecting them even now. Several of those people are cancer patients themselves and they've developed new resolve and determination, fighting even harder than before, because of having touched shoulders with John. At one point, one of his doctors even told us that medical science could not have done for him what God was so very obviously doing.

Without the scourge of the cancer that took him from this life and into the next, none of this would have happened. Cancer is a curse, there's no doubt about it; but, there's also no doubt that good things can happen because of it.  The aftermath of John's diagnosis, the way in which God used it to His Glory, is proof.

I pray that learning John's story gives you hope from knowing that, in spite of what the doctors say, God is in charge and can do wonderful things if you turn to Him and trust Him.  His blessings for you will overflow onto others. Lay it all in His lap and then leave it there for Him to take care of, simply following wherever He leads you. Hold tightly to His hand and always remember that no matter how firm your grip might be, His will always be stronger.  On those days when you feel that you can no longer walk, He will gladly carry you until you again have the strength to stand. I pray for you and your loved one the comfort and peace that only He can give. God bless! ~ Judy Haworth

Please scroll down to view more photos of John Haworth.  Scroll down to "Pages" and click on his name.

"And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up." James 5:15

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Mark 11:24


Trust in the Lord, the Almighty above.
Trust in His mercy and trust in His love.
Trust in the promises He's vowed to keep.
He does not break them -
His love is too deep.
Trust Him; trust always in Him.

You have a problem you think He can't see.
Friend, don't give up; just drop to your knees.
Confess to Him all of the sins in your past.
He will forgive them; you just have to ask.
Tell Him your troubles, be they many or few,
And ask for His wonderful blessing on you.

You're in distress and it's causing great pain.
You're crying alone; no peace can you gain.
Your Father in heaven is right by your side.
Your fears and burdens from Him you can't hide.
He'll give you comfort, just wait and see,
You only need ask as you drop to your knees.

Though you may wonder if God really heard,
When you are praying, remember His word.
His time and your time are not quite the same;
Don't be impatient when you call His name.
Always remember that His way is best
And let your troubles in His great arms rest.

Trust in the Lord, the Almighty above.
Trust in His mercy and trust in His love.
Trust in the promises He's vowed to keep.
He does not break them -
His love is too deep.
Trust Him; trust always in Him.

©2006 Judy Haworth

"Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge." Psalms 62:8

His Peace

Whenever I find I am down,
And all I can do is frown,
That's when I fall to my knees
And I pray to Him for peace.

The lonely times, when I am sad,
When there's no reason to be glad,
I simply I tell Him of my needs
And I ask Him for His peace.

When I surrender and accept,
When I forgive and then forget,
When I say thank you, Lord, not please,
That's when He blesses me with peace.

I rest assured He loves me so,
Within my heart I'll always know
That He listens to my pleas
And He fills me with His peace.

He is always there,
In times of need and of despair.
My faith can only but increase
Whene'er He fills me with His peace.

©2006 Judy Haworth

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
John 14:27